Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Barry Moser article

The artist I decided to write about is the illustrator and publisher Barry Moser. He was originally from a strict southern background. Growing up in military schools he says that being an artist was just not accepted in his family. He ended up getting a degree in mechanical engineering and took a teaching job in a military school in Tennessee. Teaching at the military school was not for him and went to the east coast where he took a job teaching. There he learned printmaking. There Moser and couple of other colleagues started up their own printing company and started commissioning work like Moby Dick. Later they decided to cut out the middle man and publish the works themselves. The first work they published was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He's gone to illustrate 0ther novels as The Aventures of Huckleberry Finn and Marry Shelley's Frankenstein.

link to the Article
"Barry Moser Designer, Illustrator and Publisher". Communication Arts
September/October 1985.
link to web: http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/Home.html

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